woman searching for a job online

Finding a job during the COVID-19 pandemic may take time and patience. Follow this advice to set yourself up for...


jump-start your job search webinar cover page

Ready to scale up your job search? Learn how our simple-to-use job search tools will help you get hired faster!


Man standing in front of graphic of three job offers

Take a deep breath and pat yourself on the back for your clearly impressive interview skills. Then use these tools...


Recent college grads ready to find their first job after college.

Finding a job after college is hard, but it’s not impossible. Read these five real-world tips for college grads...


mature job seeker being interviewed

Don’t let ageism in your job search slow you down! Learn common age stereotypes and how to turn them to your...


nurse providing care for a patient

Why is cultural competence important in healthcare? How can you become a culturally competent healthcare...


woman looking for jobs online during the holidays

Job searching during the holidays usually brings to mind temporary employment in retail settings. It’s no secret...


Skills to Learn to Make Money

Are you wondering what skills to learn to make money and grow your career? Here are several free and low-cost...


illustration of job seeker feeling strong in 2019

Want to find a career you love in 2019? We’ve created a list of new year’s resolutions for job seekers to help you...


9 Secrets to Selling Yourself in an Interview [Video Webinar]

Get expert advice for job interviews in this webinar, including how to sell yourself in an interview and get more...


ihire premium member searching for jobs online

the tools and resources iHire Premium members can access to enhance their job search, improve their resume


College graduate in robes posing for a photo

About to start your new graduate job search? Check out this job search advice for recent graduates.


virtual networking

Make the most out of your next virtual networking event with this advice on how to network online.


Job seeker worried about an upcoming background check

Nearly 70% of businesses run background checks, so you need to prepare yourself for this part of the hiring process....


iHire team

A collection of tried-and-true tips from the iHire team to help you make your own job search luck and inspire you to...


Boss waving finger at employee

Not all interview advice is good advice, no matter how well-intentioned. Here are some common pieces of job...


ihire ask a career advisor how can i practice self-care during my job search

Practicing self-care during your job search can help you avoid stress and burnout. Career Advisor Lori Cole shares...


career newsroom article on mental health and job search

Learn how to manage job search stress with the results of iHire’s survey on the correlation between one’s job search...


Networking 101: Tips for Building Career Connections [Premium Webinar]

Get expert advice for professional networking in this on-demand webinar, including how to create an elevator pitch...


Older woman looking for a job

Learn how to find part-time jobs after retirement, get hints about where to look for part-time employment, and tips...


Showing 281 to 300 of 536 results